A downloadable asset pack

Grads in Games Animation submission

For this animation I had 4 states of animation movement to portray

-Idle     -Power up     - Release   - Recover

I decided to go with a mix between break-dancing and martial arts to showcase my animation abilities in a non traditional game related way. All the movements are there with the idle being the intro dance itself (which is loopable on it's own), power up being the one hand spin (like a coil pushing down), release (which is the explosive handstand flip) and then the recover which is a mix of going to a show off pose then back into the idle. The whole animation loops itself around the 10 second mark and for the render showcase I have put the sequence in twice to show the looping. 

Overall, I am quite happy with how the animation has turned out as it was pushing myself outside of my comfort zone with so many flips, twists and turns and hand pivots. If I had a chance I would probably do less spins and less upside down rotation. I ran out of time at the end to fully polish the whole animation and with another week or so I could get all the small errors fixed. I will probably do this for my portfolio for finishing university. 

Sketchfab had an issue so I was unable to use it for my final render (this is documented fully in my pdf) . However I have provided a link below to the animation shown from several alternative views including the default rendered view with no lighting or motion blur. 

Files provided are the final version Maya file as the FBX file doesn't have the rig within it (the rig is referenced from another file). 

Other angles renders:


Project_files 234 MB
production_document.pdf 231 MB